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Monday, 8 February 2016


It must have happened to you that  you accidentally deleted a file by clicking shift + Delete+Enter and then you panic not knowing what to do next. The below steps will surely help you recover your lost files at once.
1. Keep Calm,  (and I say this with enough emphasis).
2. Do not save anything anything on your hard disk  as this might overwrite on the empty space created due to the deletion of your files and you might fail to recover those. (crucial step)
3. Download the software Recuva or any recovery software but its the best in my opinion.
4. Perform deep scan. It will take some some depending upon your PC configuration but its worth  the time.

5. After scanning search for your desired files and select them carefully, if you have followed the above steps cautiously the chances of your files appearing with a green signal (implying its not corrupted) are high.
Hit the recover button , a pop-up window will appear saying that if you recover on your hard disk data might be lost so click on the no button.
Make  sure you recover the files on another flash drive/external HDD/CD/DVD but not on your internal hard disk as it will again overwrite on the disk and the recovered file may get corrupted.
8. Select your external memory drive where you want to recover your files and then hit OK. Wait for the process to get over.
That's it. You have successfully recovered your permanently deleted files.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

How to Hack Windows Password(without tools)

How to Hack Windows Password (No tools required)

Step 1: Start your computer.
Step 2: When you see the start screen, immediately power off the CPU .

Step 3: Start your computer. This time you will see a window as shown below.

Step 4: Select "Launch Startup Repair (recommended)".

Step 5: Wait for few minutes.

Step 6:

Wait for few more minutes.

Step 7: If you see "System Restore" option, select 'cancel'.

Step 8: Finally you will see below screen.
              Press downward arrow reading "View problem details".

Step 9: Scroll down to the last bottom page. You will see a link below 
              the line
               "If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statem...".
               Open that Notepad file link.

Step 10: You will see a notepad file. Go to File->Open. 
                 Navigate to C:\Windows\System32.

Step 11: Change "Files of type" from "Text document" to "All files".

Step 12: Search for "sethc".

Step 13: Rename it from "sethc" to "sethc-1".

Step 14: Search for "cmd" and create a copy by copying and pasting.

Step 15: Rename it from "cmd-copy" to "sethc".

Step 16: close the open window and notepad.

Step 17: Select "Don't send" -> "Finish".

Step 18: Restart your computer and you will see this window.

Step 19: Press shift 5 times and Voila , a command prompt window will appear.

Step 20: Type "net user" 

Step 21: Figure out your user account name. I am assuming it to be "name".
                Type "net user name *"

Step 22: Type new password and you'll see this window.

Step 23: Login with the new password.

Thursday, 14 May 2015


1. While playing a game you reach the end and suddenly you get a call, all your progress may be lost due to this. But Lollipop has an answer to this.

2. Sharing your phone with someone? Form another user 
account like a deskstop

3.  You can choose what notifications you want, or if you're too busy you can choose none.(In priority also you can choose your choice)

4. Giving the phone to your little brother, worried he will read your personal messages you may pin the screen.
(Note: Any app lock can be bypassed by force stopping the app from settings)

5. Oh I forgot, this amazing flashlight widget and the notification menu.

6. Nexus 5 has no extraordinary battery life. But the power saving mode just takes on and has just improved the battery life remarkably at the time of need. No need to be worried at 10% battery whether your phone will survive till you reach home? 
(When battery saver is on the orange lines appear)

7. The Easter egg surprise in Lollipop is a flappy bird like game. (the key is the lesser time you touch the screen the lesser android will go up) 

8. Tap & Go
If you're switching to an Android 5.0 Lollipop device instead of updating, then you'll love the new Tap & Go service available during the initial phone setup. Its function is fairly simple from where we're standing: Google gives you the option to pair the Lollipop-touting device with any Android 4.1+ smartphone through NFC in order for things like your accounts to be quickly transferred to it over Bluetooth. From there, you can also choose whether you'd like to restore a backup generated by your old device, including apps and app data. 

(I don't have screenshots of this feature I'll add them when I'll use the feature.

9.  I bet this feature has not been known to most of lollipop users.
Android Lollipop camera API gives manual control to your photos.


  • Exposure
  • Shutter Speed
  • ISO
  • Focus Distance
  • White Balance
  • Flash

Wednesday, 15 April 2015



I dont know that all of you know this trick or not.
But you can extend whatsapp validity by 1 year without  paying any single penny.
Just follow simple steps and u can extend whatsapp validity by 1 year from today's date:

P.S. I checked this trick for android devices only.don't know for symbian,iOS or BB devices.

1) Go to settings>Account>Change number.
In this trick you have to enter new number.
i.e. My permanent no. is 8866****** having service expiration Jan 12 ,2015.
I have entered my old number as 8866******. And new no as my second sim no. 9067******.
Don't worry it will not delete any history or will not remove you from any group.
See screenshot below:

This will deactivate your current number whatsapp account and will create new number whatsapp account.
Dont worry it will not delete any history or will not delete any Group.
Now New no. whatsapp validity will be the date of experiment
i.e.today Date.
See Screen shot:

2) Now once again Go to settings>Account>Change number.
now Enter old number as new current running number and New number that is your permanent number.
see screenshot:

and check your whatsapp service expiration date .
this will be same as your new number expiration date:

Saturday, 21 March 2015



Here are the top 10 hidden features of Windows 7 :
1. God Mode
It may be hyperbolically named, but Windows 7’s God Mode is indeed omnipresent. It conveniently puts hundreds of settings from all around the operating system all in one place.
To turn on God Mode, create a new folder on your desktop–or anywhere you’d like–and name it: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}. Don’t include the final period. The resulting folder will contain 270 items, representing virtually every configurable option in Windows 7.

2. “Virtual” Wi-Fi
If you check out the network connections of most Wi-Fi-equipped Windows 7 systems (except those with Starter Edition), you’ll notice an adapter called Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport adapter. This virtual adapter can act as a software-based access point; it takes a wired or wireless network connection and makes it available a separate wireless network.
This lets you create your own hotspot from whatever network you’re connected to, which can be handy in many different scenarios, including when you want to connect multiple devices to a Wi-Fi network that charges for access. (Note: to take advantage of this feature, you’ll need a copy of the free connectify software.

3. Hotkey a Window between Monitors
Want an easy and mouse-free way to move windows around a display or, better yet, between multiple monitors? When you press the Windows key + the left or right arrow key, the active window will move from its original position and anchor itself to the edge of the screen in the direction of the arrow, and it will do so across every monitor you have. Similarly, if you press Windows + SHIFT + left or right arrow, the active window will jump over to the same position on the adjacent monitor (so if you only have two monitors, it doesn’t matter which arrow key you use).